International Office

Fostering Creative Minority


International Office

The International Office is established as a specialized unit within UKSW and is responsible to the Vice Chancellor for Partnerships and Alumni Relations. The International Office is led by a designated Director overseeing day-to-day operations and reporting to the appropriate university authorities.​

Office Hours

The office hours of the international office are Monday to Friday, 07.30 A.M. to 04.00 P.M. (Western Indonesian Time), Except for national holidays


Directorate of Partnerships (Direktorat Kerja Sama-DIKER)
N Building, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Jl. Diponegoro No. 52-60, Salatiga 50711, Central Java, Indonesia
View the location on Google Maps: click here.


International Student Support Services

  1. Pre-arrival orientation and information dissemination.
  2. Visa and immigration assistance.
  3. Academic and non-academic Counseling Program.
  4. Cultural adaptation and integration program.
  5. Health services guidance.
  6. Housing and transportation information services.
  7. Compliance with applicable legal regulations regarding international students.

International Lecturers and Foreign Workers Support Services

  1. Visa and immigration assistance for international lecturers and workers.
  2. Information services and resources related to employment and benefits.
  3. Orientation services for Lecturers and Foreign Workers.
  4. Housing and transportation information services.
  5. Cross-cultural understanding training.

Academic and non-academic program services for International Students and Staff

  1. Organize cultural events, workshops, and seminars.
  2. Facilitate participation in international student and staff communities and organizations.
  3. Promote cross-cultural understanding within the university community.
  4. Collaborate with academic departments on internationalization initiatives.


Satya Wacana International Scholarships (SWIS)

Satya Wacana Christian University has designed a program called SATYA WACANA INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS (SWIS) to recruit students from all over the world. This Scholarship is available for sixteen (16) study programs (10 bachelor’s degree programs and 6 master programs), which are as follows:

    1. Nutrition Program (Bachelor’s Degree Program)
    2. Information Systems (Bachelor’s Degree Program)
    3. Primary Education (Bachelor’s Degree Program)
    4. English Literature (Bachelor’s Degree Program)
    5. English Language Education (Bachelor’s Degree Program)
    6. Music (Bachelor’s Degree Program)
    7. International Relations (Bachelor’s Degree Program)
    8. Sociology (Bachelor’s Degree Program)
    9. Communication Sciences (Bachelor’s Degree Program)
    10. Management & Accounting Program (Bachelor’s Degree Program)
    11. English Language Education (Master Program)
    12. Development Studies (Master Program)
    13. Information Systems (Master Program)
    14. Accounting (Master Program)
    15. Management (Master Program)
    16. Sociology of Religion (Master Program)

This Scholarship covers:

  1. Tuition fee for 2-4 years of study at SWCU (2 years for Master Program or 4 years for Bachelor’s Degree Program)
  2. Visa and Stay permit for study purpose
  3. Culture trips 2 times/year
  4. Pick up to/from the nearest airport from/to SWCU
  5. Health insurance
  6. Living allowance
  7. Dormitory (shared room)
  8. Round-Trip flight tickets (economy class)


  1. Passport with minimum 36 months of validity
  2. Diploma and academic transcript
  3. English Proficiency Certificate (TOEFL 500/IELTS 5.5/Duolingo 90)
  4. Curriculum vitae
  5. Study Objective
  6. Recommendation letter from the university or high school
  7. Passport photo
  8. Health certificate issued by the health institution with signature and stamp
  9. Police Clearance Certificate (never involved in criminal activities) confirms whether or not you have a criminal record

Key Dates / Timeline of the Scholarship Program:



Registration batch I

Registration batch II

Selection Process

1 October – 31 December 2024

1 January – 31 May 2025

Announcement for Interview

1-8 January 2025

2-4 June 2025


9-10 January 2025

5-10 June 2025

Announcement of the scholarship

Sending the Letter of Acceptance (LoA) and Consent Letter Form

24 January 2025

20 June 2025

Consent Letter Form Submission to SWCU

24-31 January 2025

23-25 June 2025

SWCU student number issuance

1-7 February 2025

26-30 June 2025

Study permit and visa process

1 March-31 July 2025

1 July-1 August 2025

Arrival to Indonesia

4-8 August 2025

Orientation week

11-17 August 2025

First meeting

18 August 2025

Application Process:

  1. Online Application go to:
  2. Selection process (Academic affairs and International Office)
  3. Scholarship announcement
  4. Study permit and visa process by SWCU
  5. Students’ arrival
  6. Student orientation
  7. Lectures


Attached here is the list of available courses both for international degree seeking students and (but not limited) to short-term international students (including exchange students):

Curriculum for selected study programs (fully taught in English) can be accessed here:
Courses for specific programs for exchange students:

Academic Credits And Grading System


The Indonesian Academic Credit Unit (in Indonesian called: Satuan Kredit Semester or abbreviated as “SKS”) is a system that is commonly used in the Indonesian Higher Education Institutions. The SKS system is regulated by the Ministry of Higher Education’s decree number 53/2023[1] about the National Standard of Indonesian Higher Education. One (1) SKS is equivalent to 45 Hours of teaching and learning activity per semester in the form of lectures, tutorials, seminars, practicum, practice, studio, research, design, development, final project, student exchange, internship, entrepreneurship, community service, and/or other forms of learning. The SKS system is commonly used in universities across Indonesia (including Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga). At Satya Wacana Christian University, students can take up to twenty (20) SKS in one Semester. One (1) SKS is equivalent to one point six (1.6) European Credit Transfer and accumulation System (ECTS). A student needs a hundred forty-four (144) SKS to complete a bachelor’s degree (i.e., in 4 years), fifty-four to seventy-two (54-72 SKS) to complete a master’s degree (i.e., in 1.5-2 years), and forty-five (45) SKS[2] to complete a doctorate degree (i.e., in 3-4 years).

[1] Accessible at:

[2] The number of credits can vary from one program to the other programs.


Here is the grading system used at Satya Wacana Christian University (UKSW):

A               = excellent, with a quality number: 4.0 per credit

AB            = very good, with a quality number: 3.5 per credit

B              = good, with a quality number: 3.0 per credit

BC           = more than satisfactory, with a quality number: 2.5 per credit

C              = satisfactory, with a quality number: 2.0 per credit

L               = finished the class without a quality number

TL             = fail/not pass without a quality number


The Achievement Index is calculated by using the following formula:

Grade Points Per Semester =   total quality points obtained in one semester

                                                                 total credit obtained in one semester


Grade Points Average (GPA)

Grade points average is the sum of all course grades throughout the study and is divided by the total number of credits.

GPA Grouping


GPA Points

Graduation Predicate


= 4.00

with highest honors (summa cum laude)


3.75 – 3.99

with great honor (Magna Cum Laude)


3.50 – 3.74

with honor (Cum Laude)


3.00 – 3.49

very good


2.75 – 2.99



2.50 – 2.74



2.00 – 2.49



< 2.00



The transcript containing students’ academic record at UKSW is available in paper-printed documents only. This official transcript has a signature and stamp. The Directorate of Partnerships/International Office UKSW is responsible for giving directly or sending this official transcript accompanied by a certificate of completion to exchange students (international students only) at UKSW by the latest 4 months after their program is finished. All degree-seeking students (Bachelor/Master/Doctorate Program) shall receive their official graduation certificate and transcript of their academic record after successfully completing all the tasks and related documents required both by their Faculties/Study Programs and related directorate/unit in UKSW. This graduation certificate is registered at the Ministry of Higher Education’s database and recognized nationally in Indonesia. Only after completing all the tasks and related documents will the students be eligible to graduate (including but not obligated to take part in the graduation ceremony).

Meet Our Staff

International Office

Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana

Visa Information

As the sponsor of all international students and Lecturers at SWCU, the International Office will handle the submission of all documents to the related government institutions. There are three types of Visas for the various activities at SWCU, these are:

Socio-Cultural Visit Visa

For short programs up to 6 weeks.

For student exchange/student volunteer programs and degree seeking students (Bachelor to Doctorate Degree)

for international staff and lecturers working at UKSW.

Socio-Cultural Visit Visa (B211A)


To participate in short programs at UKSW such as training, workshops, seminars, language programs (duration only up to 6 Weeks), all foreigners must apply for a Socio-Cultural Visit Visa before entering Indonesia.

Processing Time: 7-10 working days.

Required Documents for Socio-Cultural Visit Visa:

  1. Scanned passport (cover and bio page)
  2. Curriculum Vitae (template)
  3. Passport size Photo (template)
  4. Statement of Understanding (template)
  5. Declaration of Financial Support (template)
  6. Bank Statement in English (template)
  7. Round Trip Plane Ticket (must include international ticket or return ticket to home country)

After getting the socio-cultural visit visa you can get into Indonesia and attend your program at UKSW.

Study Visa

To study at UKSW, either as a student volunteer participant or as an exchange student or as a degree-seeking student, you will be required to apply for Limited Stay Visa (VITAS 316). This VITAS will be converted to Electronic Limited Stay Permit Card (e-KITAS) once you arrive in Indonesia.

UKSW will provide instructions and assist you in the process of applying for this visa. The procedure of applying is as follows.

WARNING: Please note that the study permit and visa application process (often referred to as VITAS 316) is long and bureaucratic, and it can take up to several months.

To submit the documents for a study visa, please visit this form:

Pre-arrival in Salatiga

1. Study Permit
Processing Time: maximum 2 weeks

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Higher Education, Research and Technology will issue a study permit in Indonesia. This permit is also for applying for the Study Visa, extending the VITAS, and extending the e-KITAS.

2. Limited Stay Visa / Study Visa (VITAS 316)
Processing Time: 7-10 working days.
Purposes: Study (VITAS 316)

Duration of Stay/Validity: 30 days after arrival in Indonesia; must be converted to e-KITAS within these 30 days.

UKSW will assist all international students and lecturers at UKSW to apply for their study permits and study visa.

Required Documents for Study Permit and Limited Stay Visa

  1. a Recommendation/Nomination Letter from your home university (for student volunteer participant or exchange student) or Acceptance Letter at UKSW (for degree-seeking Students at UKSW)
  2. Academic Transcript in English (for exchange student) or Academic Diploma in English (for degree-seeking Students at UKSW)
  3. Scanned passport (cover and bio page)
  4. Curriculum Vitae (template)
  5. Study Objective(s) in Indonesia
  6. Passport size Photo (template)
  7. Certificate of Health from a local doctor in English (template)
  8. Statement of Understanding (template)
  9. Declaration of Financial Support (template)
  10. Bank Statement (with a balance of minimum USD 2,000 or equivalent) in English (template)
  11. Health Insurance (not mandatory)

All documents must be submitted as soft files to this form. You will need to sign in using a Gmail account to fill out the form and upload the required documents.

You are required to report to the Directorate of Partnerships (DIKER) at UKSW maximum of one week after you arrive in Salatiga, Indonesia to start the process of converting your VITAS into e-KITAS. 

This process is MANDATORY because VITAS will expire 30 days after the student’s arrival. It means you will stay in the country illegally (overstay) if you do not immediately convert it to e-KITAS.


If you stay in Indonesia for a more extended period than the validity of your visa or stay permit, it is considered an overstay. 


  1. You entered Indonesia on the 1st of August using the visa on arrival, valid for 30 days. It means that the validity will be until the 30th of August, and each day after that date would count as an overstay.
  2. You entered Indonesia on the 1st of August using VITAS, valid for 30 days. Until the 30th day of your stay, you have not started processing the conversion of your VITAS to e-KITAS. As long as you do not process your e-KITAS, each day after the visa expiration would count as an overstay.

If the overstay is 60 days or less, the consequence is paying a fine. As of the 2016 regulation, the fine is IDR 1,000,000 per day. In addition, if the overstay exceeds 60 days, there might also be a further investigation from Immigration, a deportation, an inclusion to the deny list to re-enter Indonesia in a certain period, and other unfavorable consequences.

Additional notes: Failure to fulfill the above administrative process and all the consequences of overstaying will be your responsibility. Please consult with DIKER UKSW should you have any inquiries regarding visa and immigration matters.

1. Electronic Limited Stay Permit Card (e-KITAS)
Processing Time: 1 week

e-KITAS is an electronic identity card for a limited stay in Indonesia. After you arrive in Salatiga with VITAS, UKSW will assist you to convert your VITAS to e-KITAS.

Validity period: 6 months, 1 year or 2 years


  1. Completed immigration forms (in Bahasa Indonesia, will be filled UKSW)
  2. Sponsor Letter from UKSW (provided by UKSW)
  3. Passport and the copy of passport relevant pages
  4. Copy of visa/VITAS
  5. Copy of Study Permit

Wherever you go, you can show this e-KITAS to Immigration officers or other authorities without the obligation of keeping the physical card that is prone to get lost.

2. Police Registration Letter (Surat Tanda Melapor / STM)
Processing Time: 1 week

This letter is issued by Indonesian Police to record foreigners’ stay in Indonesia. STM is used to extend a study permit, apply for a new SKTT, extend SKTT and apply for a driving license.

3. Letter of Domicile
Processing Time: depending on your situation.

A letter of Domicile is issued by your local village (Kelurahan) in Salatiga that states that you temporarily reside in the mentioned address in the card. This letter is one of the requirements to apply for a new e-KITAS, new SKTT, and extend SKTT. To get this letter, you must get approval from your landlord, the Head of your Neighborhood Community Unit (RT & RW), and your Head of Village (Kelurahan) in Salatiga.

It is your responsibility to obtain this letter. Should you be in doubt about the process, please consult UKSW.

1. Temporary Residential Card (Surat Keterangan Tempat Tinggal / SKTT)
Processing Time: 2 weeks

Temporary Residential Card (Surat Keterangan Tempat Tinggal/SKTT) is an identification card issued by the local Department of Population and Civil Registration (Disdukcapil) in Salatiga. SKTT is one of the requirements for the e-KITAS Extension. UKSW will help you to apply for this card.

2. e-KITAS Extension
Processing Time: 1 week

UKSW will assist all international students to apply for this card.

Please apply for your e-KITAS Extension one month before the expiry date.


  1. Sponsor letter for e-KITAS Extension (from UKSW)
  2. Letter for study permit extension (provided by UKSW)
  3. Temporary Residential Card (SKTT)
  4. Copy of Passport, sticker visa, and the latest e-KITAS
  5. Academic Transcript from the Directorate of Academic

You should submit all these documents to UKSW.

1. Exit Permit Only (EPO)
Processing Time: 3 days

e-KITAS holders must apply for EPO (Exit Permit Only) before leaving Indonesia. EPO will inactivate your e-KITAS, and therefore you will need a new visa to enter the country in the future.

EPO must be processed immediately before your departure date. You can start processing your EPO one week (maximum) before your departure date.


  1. Original Passport
  2. Copy of passport page with your e-KITAS stamp
  3. Printed e-KITAS
  4. Copy of flight ticket leaving Indonesia
  5. Sponsor letter (from UKSW)

Once you submit all these documents, you will be handed a receipt with the pick-up date on it. On the stated date UKSW will help you pick up your Passport with an EPO stamp. Check the stamp to ensure that it is the correct date of your departure.

Necessary: You must leave Indonesian territory within seven days after receiving the EPO stamp in your Passport. A more extended stay in Indonesia might give you overstay charges from the Immigration Office.

Work Visa (C312)

If you’re planning to apply for an Indonesian work visa, please be sure that you have already joined an institution for a position. To work in Indonesia, you need to have a sponsor (employer) in Indonesia who will provide you with sponsorship for a work visa, for this case is Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW).

Once you have been selected to become a member of UKSW either a faculty member or a staff, UKSW will assist you to process the work permit and visa.

Please note that the work permit and visa application process (often referred to as KITAS) is long and bureaucratic, and it can take up to several months.

The procedure for applying for a work permit and visa is as follows.

Pre-Arrival in Salatiga

Processing Time: 3 Months

1. Expatriate Placement Plan (Rencana Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Asing/RPTKA)
Processing Time: 1 Month 

UKSW must obtain approval to hire you from the Indonesian government. This generally means UKSW must prove why UKSW needs to hire you over an Indonesian citizen.

2. Permission to Employ Foreign Workers (Izin Mempekerjakan Tenaga Kerja Asing/Notifikasi/IMTA)
Processing Time: 1 Month

This application is also submitted to the Ministry of Manpower. Before the application, you must submit the required documents for the application, such as work and education certificates, passport copies, etc. The Notifikasi / IMTA is the only authority that allows you to legally work in UKSW.

3. Limited Stay Visa (VITAS)
Processing Time: 2 Weeks

Duration of Stay/Validity: 30 days upon your arrival to Indonesia; it must be converted to e-KITAS within these 30 days.

Required Documents for Work Visa

  1. The scanned passport must be valid for at least another 18 months (cover and bio page)
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV) which includes your past working experiences in the relevant fieldwork (template)
  3. The academic certificate(s) or diploma(s) are written in English or Indonesian.
  4. Recommendation letter from the latest/previous employer
  5. Health Insurance
  6. Certificate of health from the local doctor in English (template)
  7. Passport photo (template)
  8. Bank Statement (with a minimum balance of USD 2,000) in English (template)
  9. If you are bringing family members with you, please kindly submit the required documents as follows:
      1. Scan of passports of the family members (cover and bio page)
      2. Certificate of Marriage for spouse (in English or Indonesian)
      3. Certificate of Birth for children (in English or Indonesian)
      4. Family Card Registration
      5. Passport Size Photo

All processes of Work Permit and Visa will be assisted by UKSW as your sponsor.

You are required to report to the Directorate of Partnerships (DIKER) at UKSW maximum of one week after you arrive in Salatiga, Indonesia to start the process of converting your VITAS into e-KITAS. 

This process is MANDATORY because VITAS will expire 30 days after the student’s arrival. It means you will stay in the country illegally (overstay) if you do not immediately convert it to e-KITAS.

1. Electronic Limited Stay Permit Card (e-KITAS)
Processing Time: 1 week

e-KITAS is an electronic identity card for a limited stay in Indonesia. After you arrive in Salatiga with VITAS, UKSW will assist you to convert your VITAS to e-KITAS.

Validity period: 6 months or 1 year


  1. Completed immigration forms (in Bahasa Indonesia, will be filled UKSW)
  2. Sponsor Letter from UKSW (provided by UKSW)
  3. Passport and the copy of passport relevant pages
  4. Copy of visa/VITAS
  5. Copy of RPTKA and Notifikasi / IMTA

2. Police Registration Letter (Surat Tanda Melapor / STM)
Processing Time: 1 week

This letter is issued by Indonesian Police to record foreigners’ stay in Indonesia. STM is used to extend a study permit, apply for a new SKTT, extend SKTT and apply for a driving license.

3. Letter of Domicile
Processing Time: depending on your situation.

A letter of Domicile is issued by your local village (Kelurahan) in Salatiga that states that you temporarily reside in the mentioned address in the card. This letter is one of the requirements to apply for a new e-KITAS, new SKTT, and extend SKTT. To get this letter, you must get approval from your landlord, the Head of your Neighborhood Community Unit (RT & RW), and your Head of Village (Kelurahan) in Salatiga.

It is your responsibility to obtain this letter. Should you be in doubt about the process, please consult UKSW.

1. Temporary Residential Card (Surat Keterangan Tempat Tinggal / SKTT)
Processing Time: 2 weeks

Temporary Residential Card (Surat Keterangan Tempat Tinggal/SKTT) is an identification card issued by the local Department of Population and Civil Registration (Disdukcapil) in Salatiga. SKTT is one of the requirements for the e-KITAS Extension. UKSW will help you to apply for this card.

2. e-KITAS Extension
Processing Time: 1 week

UKSW will assist all international students to apply for this card.

Please apply for your e-KITAS Extension one month before the expiry date.


  1. Sponsor letter for e-KITAS Extension (provided by UKSW)
  2. Temporary Residential Card (SKTT)
  3. Copy of Passport, sticker visa, and the latest e-KITAS
  4. New RPTKA and New Notifikasi / IMTA 

You should submit all these documents to UKSW.

1. Exit Permit Only (EPO)
Processing Time: 3 days

e-KITAS holders must apply for EPO (Exit Permit Only) before leaving Indonesia. EPO will inactivate your e-KITAS, and therefore you will need a new visa to enter the country in the future.

EPO must be processed immediately before your departure date. You can start processing your EPO one week (maximum) before your departure date.


  1. Original Passport
  2. Copy of passport page with your e-KITAS stamp
  3. Printed e-KITAS
  4. Copy of flight ticket leaving Indonesia
  5. Sponsor letter (from UKSW)

Once you submit all these documents, you will be handed a receipt with the pick-up date on it. On the stated date UKSW will help you pick up your Passport with an EPO stamp. Check the stamp to ensure that it is the correct date of your departure.

Necessary: You must leave Indonesian territory within seven days after receiving the EPO stamp in your Passport. A more extended stay in Indonesia might give you overstay charges from the Immigration Office.

International Programs

Here is the list of international programs available at Satya Wacana Christian University:

  • Program Intensif Pengenalan Bahasa dan Budaya Indonesia yang dimulai lebih dari 45 tahun yang lalu.
  • Durasi program antara 2 – 6 minggu.
  • Diikuti secara rutin oleh berbagai peserta dari Amerika Serikat, Australia, Jepang, dan negara lainnya.
  • Kelas Budaya: Kelas Membatik, Masakan Tradisional Indonesia, Seni Bela Diri Tradisional Indonesia, Tari Tradisional & Alat Musik Tradisional (Gamelan & Angklung).
  • Diselenggarakan 2 kali setahun pada bulan Januari hingga Februari dan bulan Juni hingga Agustus.
    • Program kerja sama antara Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW) dan Kwansei Gakuin University (KGU), Jepang yang dimulai sejak tahun 1977.
    • Program pertukaran Bahasa dan budaya berdurasi 2 minggu.
    • Membangun jejaring dengan mahasiswa dari negara lain dan mengembangkan pemahaman dan toleransi serta membentuk mahasiswa untuk menjadi Global Citizen melalui kunjungan karya wisata ke tempat-tempat bersejarah dan destinasi pariwisata, penampilan budaya khas dari negara masing-masing, kunjungan industritinggal bersama keluarga lokal (homestay) dan presentasi akhir.
  • Program kerja sama antara Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW) dan Chang Jung Christian University (CJCU) Taiwan yang dimulai sejak tahun 2013.
  • Program pertukaran bahasa dan budaya berdurasi 2 minggu.
  • Agenda kegiatan: Kuliah Tamu, Karya wisata ke berbagai destinasi pariwisata dan bersejarah, Homestay di keluarga lokal, penampilan budaya khas dari negara masing-masing, kunjungan ke sekolah-sekolah lokal untuk memperkenalkan budaya masing-masing negaranya, Presentasi akhir.
  • Program kerja sama antara Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW) dan Kwansei Gakuin University (KGU), Jepang yang dimulai sejak tahun 2013.
  • Selama kurang lebih 5 Bulan, Mahasiswa dari Kwansei Gakuin University secara volunteer mengajarkan bahasa serta budaya Jepang kepada siswa di sekolah milik UKSW (SD hingga SMA).
  • Pengalaman Homestay bersama keluarga Indonesia di Salatiga
  • Kesempatan mempelajari Bahasa dan Budaya Indonesia selagi berada di Indonesia.
  • Sebuah organisasi pemuda yang melatih para peserta untuk menjadi Global Leaders
  • Mengambil bagian dalam berbagai aktivitas Volunteer di berbagai negara.
  • Berdampak positif bagi komuitas lokal dengan menjalanakan proyek yang sejalan dengan Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SGDs)
  • Durasi program: 6 hingga 8 Minggu.
  • Kesempatan mengenal budaya baru di luar negeri
  • Kesempatan untuk mengikuti program magang di berbagai organisasi luar negeri.
  • Kompetisi Internasional untuk mengembangkan Ide-Ide perusahaan Start Up bagi mahasiswa
  • Menciptakan pengusaha muda yang mendukung tercapainya Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SGDs)
  • Peluang untuk memenangkan hadiah utama berupa uang senilai 1 juta US Dollar di Ronde Final Kompetisi yang dilaksanakan di Eropa atau Amerika Serikat.
  • Belajar 1-2 semester di universitas mitra UKSW di luar negeri
  • Pengalaman tinggal di negara lain serta belajar bahasa dan budaya negara tujuan
  • Kesempatan mendapat beasiswa belajar ke luar negeri seperti beasiswa Student Mobility Scheme oleh ACUCA, Badden Wuttemberg-Jerman, dan beasiswa lainnya.
  • Negara tujuan: Jepang, Jerman, Korea Selatan, Taiwan, Filipina, dan negara lainnya.
  • Program Unggulan yang merupakan bagian dari gerakan Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) yang dikoordinasikan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (DIKTI), Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi dan didanai oleh Lembaga Pengelolaan Dana Pemerintah (LPDP) Kementerian Keuangan.
  • Mendapatkan 20 SKS dengan menyelesaikan satu semester di universitas unggulan dunia (termasuk universitas dengan ranking QS Top 300).
  • Mengambil kelas dari berbagai disiplin ilmu untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan serta menumbuhkan ketrampilan dan kesadaran lintas budaya.
  • Menjadi Duta UKSW bagi mahasiswa asing baru di UKSW.
  • Memperkenalkan Bahasa dan Budaya Indonesia kepada para mahasiswa asing di UKSW.
  • Membantu proses orientasi para mahasiswa asing di UKSW.
  • Memperkenalkan berbagai fasilitas UKSW kepada para mahasiswa asing.
  • Kesempatan bagi dosen untuk melakukan pengajaran, penelitian dan aktivitas akademik lainnya di unversitas luar negeri.
  • Pendanaan dari ACUCA dan UKSW*

*) apabila universitas yang dituju adalah universitas dalam anggota ACUCA melalui Faculty Mobility Scheme (FSM).

• Informasi pengurusan visa bagi Mahasiswa Internasional di UKSW terdapat di sini.